Mein neues Buch: Till Death Do Us Part

Mit einem Vorwort von Mark Benecke Ph.D. und einer Einführung von Ulrich Werner Schulze.

Seit kurzem ist mein neues Keniabuch lieferbar. In „Till Death Do Us Part“ untersuche ich die Vergänglichkeit der Tiere und zeige die faszinierenden Formen, die in einem Körper verborgen sind. Jedes Ende ist ein Neuanfang und jeder Tierkörper ist eine Quelle für neues Leben.

192 Seiten, mit 100 Fotos und einer Karte.  BoD-Verlag.
ISBN 978-3-7412-8166-2.

24,95 Euro zzgl. Porto und Verpackung. Der deutsche Text wird kostenlos zum Buch mitgeschickt.

Das Buch kann direkt von mir bezogen werden Fabian Haas, oder über den Buchhandel bzw. online Plattformen.

Alle Bilder im Video finden Sie im Buch.

Mark Benecke Ph.D. writes:
«The images are sharp and beautiful, and when I saw a couple of skulls which have a shape our brain interprets as a smile, I had to smile along with them. For everything to be at rest and truly be in peace is something I’ve rarely seen captured so poetically, organically and lovingly as in this book.
Enjoy your time discovering the photographs in this book.»

Ulrich Werner Schulze states:
«Fabian Haas has dedicated himself to this natural phenomenon, life and death, and approached it with thousands of photos on his safari in the Kenya wilderness. Moments of this safari to the end of life have been selected in this book, a tribute to past and future life.»

Fabian Haas was born in 1967 in Germany and studied biology and palaeontology in Tübingen, Exeter, Paris and Jena. He worked as a scientist in Nairobi, Kenya, from 2006 to 2013 and returned in 2014 for an extensive tour to the north of this beautiful country.

The photos in this book are testimony to his love for nature and his unconventional perspective. Death is largely ignored in our society, yet it is a firm part of life and each of the bodies is a treasure trove for other animal to thrive on. Such cadavers are a concentration of resources and nutrients in an otherwise harsh and dry environment.

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Fabian Haas